Sep 15, 2008

The sweetest thing a guy could ever do

Smell her hair....
Talk to her in movie theatres....
Hold her hand while you talk....
Tell her shes beautiful....
Look her in the eye when You talk to her....
Tell her stupid jokes....
Let her mess with your hair....
Just walk around with her....
Look at her like shes the only girl you
Tickle her Even if she says stop....
When she starts swearing at you, tell her you
love her....
Let her fall asleep in your arms....
Get her mad, then kiss her....
Tease her...
Let her tease you back....
kiss her enough, but dont over kiss her....
Stay up with her all night when shes sick....
Watch her favorite movie....
Kiss her forehead....
Write her letters....
If she asks you to go to a show with her,go....
Let her wear your clothes.....
When shes sad,hang out with her....
Buy her ice cream....
Let her take all the photos she wants....
Kiss her in the rain....
And when you fall in love with her tell her...

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